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Let's go...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

morning mourning

I love sleeping in late. 8am is too early to be brisk. My ideal wake up hour is between 9.30 and 10. And thanks to the job I took up, which involved late hours, I could do this without guilt.
But now, I am up by 5.30 or so, and out of the house by 6.30 with my daughter. Funny thing is that I really enjoy this. I love the morning drive to her school. I like chatting with her. I feel real fresh and raring to go...
Come weekends, and it is a relapse.
Someone told me it is the owl and swan sydrome. Apparently I fall into the owl category. Who 5 times a week turns into a swan... hmmm!
Is the owl/swan sydrome genetic. Everyone in my house is an early riser. Earliest being my dad who is up at about 4 am. No one sleeps in later than 6!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Beef it up, please

Qatar Airways, will you beef it up please? Not the food, but the luggage allowance.
While most airlines give at least 30-35, Qatar Airways gives a measly 20 to passengers travelling India-ME segment, while giving 60 or so to those travelling to Europe and the US from India.
Now of course, we would much rather prefer that a light flight takes us safely to our destination, no doubt.
But here is the other thing that they are beefing up, unnecessarily.
Travelling Doha to Chennai, the meals choice was veg or beef. Excuse me! The destination is Chennai, India. Why the hell would you give beef as the only non-vegetarian choice? And not even stock enough veg platters as an alternative?
What if flights to the Middle East offer only Pork as the meat choice? There would be a jihad over that, for sure.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Age, that nasty SoB

by the end of the holiday, I was ready to come back to Doha, to my home, its comforts and the lack of it too.
what annoyed me this holiday was not the bad civic amenities, but age. The ageing of parents, relationships... everything looked old.
And it gets worse when you are the youngest in a large family...
At the airport, when I turned around one last time to say bye, it was age that gave me a tear-jerking slap.
My parents and parents-in-law, looking old and alone.
The selfish me was resentful of the fact that I will always know my parents a few years less than my sisters, and also a few years older.
I resent that my mother cannot be as sprightly with my child as she was with my niece and nephew.
But that's me. I don't only want the good things in life, I want more and more of it.