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Thursday, September 27, 2007

morning mourning

I love sleeping in late. 8am is too early to be brisk. My ideal wake up hour is between 9.30 and 10. And thanks to the job I took up, which involved late hours, I could do this without guilt.
But now, I am up by 5.30 or so, and out of the house by 6.30 with my daughter. Funny thing is that I really enjoy this. I love the morning drive to her school. I like chatting with her. I feel real fresh and raring to go...
Come weekends, and it is a relapse.
Someone told me it is the owl and swan sydrome. Apparently I fall into the owl category. Who 5 times a week turns into a swan... hmmm!
Is the owl/swan sydrome genetic. Everyone in my house is an early riser. Earliest being my dad who is up at about 4 am. No one sleeps in later than 6!

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